Tuesday, January 20, 2009

(103) Mimicolicious

Falling back warily eastwards after our bloody nose in Mississauga we found ourselves breathing a sigh of relief to be in Etobicoke!!! Mimico specifically, where we came upon this relaxed beauty having her temples massaged by somebody who recently got a French Manicure done.

Needless to say, we began to relax a little. It would seem that Mimico might actually be worth investigating as a location in which one might more successfully cope with the Coming Apocalypse than the newer McBurbs. Why do we say this? Well, Mimico is within the TTC and is served by commuter rail. It has bicycle lanes and access to the lakefront. Some manufacturing seems to be hanging on nearby (including our present undercover-with-the-proles location inside the world's largest motion picture printing plant).

Mimico offers solid, modest-sized housing at reasonable pre-1980s densities without true urban crowding. A tinge of blue-collar prosperity survives here unlike in yuppified pseudo-villages like Oakville. Life seems, walkable, liveable, reasonable, almost downright, ...Canadian here.

We will be increasing the frequency and detail of our psychogeographic investigations here when the weather improves.

Curiously, we saw the movie Revolutionary Road just before finding ourselves in Mimico, an aging suburb. This film revives the now totally obsolete conundrum of those choosing suburbia over some more life-affirming manner of living. You've seen and know the kind of liberal, arty offering Revolutionary Road is if you've seen American Beauty, The Ice Storm or Valley of the Dolls. Apparently the most materially privileged people on the face of the Earth are not happy with what they have wrought and never have been. We cannot confirm or deny this never having actually lived the suburban dream. Nonetheless, we predict this will be last ever in this genre, that of the disintegrating suburban couple movie. The Happy Motoring era is over and our sprawl-dependent economy is now permanently busted. Really, we only wish we had Leonardo DiCaprio's character's problems in Revolutionary Road: stick with our cushy career or run off and live in Paris and schtumpfing Kate Winslet while we don't make our mind up.

Note to self: Never leave bunker without a case of malt liquor in the trunk of the Subaru ever again, oh, and lobby Senate to amend Constitution regarding French Manicure.

editor's note: POWcityblog style manual spelling for Etobicoke!!! includes three exclamation marks in all uses.

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