Sunday, December 14, 2008

(101) Yo Soy Cuba! Ay Cuba

Seeming to be completely politically incorrect we came across this doll in a dusty store window near Bloor & Landsdowne. Via the Cray III Supercomputer we discovered there is a world of interest in such collectibles that a few scant years ago were considered patronising symbols of racism when attached to advertising. How extraordinary.
You see, the city changes and remains ever a'swirl with images. Nothing ever really goes away it is just that how we feel changes. Just earlier, we had gone into a Barstuck's to throw away our hard earned wages on an overpriced product. We were wearing a t-shirt with a map of the St. Petersburg (Russia, not Florida) transit system printed thereon. It immediately called forth an enthusiastic conversation about the nature of city life from what in that less politically correct era mentioned earlier could be described as two "pretty young things."
Truly, it was a day and a walk of many things.

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