Wednesday, June 11, 2008

(71) Junction

Roaming again beyond Poorkdale we steered north by southeast to an LZ in the Junction today. Capitalism is alive and well in the part of old Toryonto seen from the Wallace Avenue bridge. It always has been. Where railways and meat packers were the mightiest lords now reigns a quieter, but no less lethal captain: retail and residential redevelopment. Thai-Mex baby food, comfortable lingerie and Botox injections are available where once the eyes smarted with coal smoke and poverty.

We thought the artists and other displaceable squalors of Poorkdale would by now have co-opted the Junction, a precinct hardly historically hidden from the lowest of the low. This has not happened. Nevertheless, we enjoy the old school Junction, the new school Junction and the in-between Junction. Simply saying "Junction" pleases us. Indeed, why would we grudge any neighbourhood an uptick in the frequency and decency of its eateries. We could all use a little change and a new menu.

editor's note: today Eva's, tomorrow more Junction

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