Wednesday, March 25, 2009

(121) Industrial Espionage

We have mentioned our current undercover assignment to a motion picture printing plant a couple of times now. Lo, yesterday we deftly snatched an image therefrom. It was our most dangerous acquisiton to date. All the irksome distractions of an insecure, high-exertion/low wage job were present plus an enhanced regime of security guards and dozens of electronic eyes. The Man may be patient ...but POWcityblog is even patienter!

Inspired by the classics, Columbia shares the romantic early name mooted for the United States. How often in cinemas has the Statue-of-Liberty-like Goddess Columbia flickered into life? During the last Great Depression how often? During this Great Depression how many times more? The lettering and the clouds have evolved over the years but the torch and awesome floor-length gown have been pretty consistent. There was a variation for television and at least two tag-lined versions reflecting changes of ownership. In your own life how ubiquitous is Columbia? Lamp aloft, the broiling clouds of atomic destruction behind her signalling your entry to a silvery and special world beyond our own, brought to you from a magic place, a dream factory.

editor's note: more on the shit-ass bastards at the factory of dreams in future postings. That's the soundtrack on the left!

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